Monday, November 24, 2014

'Fair and Lovely' cream for the cash..

Now new ‘Fair and Lovely’ cream to convert black money into white 

Fair and lovely, the multinational fairness cream brand has launched yet another product which gives immense benefit to human mankind.
“We have always kept the benefit of our society as the first priority” says Mr. Gore Gore the CEO of the company. During evolution spanning millions of years,  a group of socially minded apes, made the first hair removal cream called Veet. This helped apes evolve into modern day Homo Sapiens with lesser hair. Then another set of apes made the cream Fair and Lovely. The cream guides the human civilization towards getting dangerously affected by ultraviolet radiation from Sun by depleting the dark melanin pigment on the natural skin. “Don’t you see it ? ....

You can read the complete article here...This got published yesterday..

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